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當前位置:首頁 » 設計方案推介 » 雅帝家具公司培訓室設計效果圖


文章出處:網責任編輯:作者:人氣:-發(fā)表時間:2012-03-31 14:01:00

  培訓室也一樣是白色墻體與白色會議桌為主色調,雅帝設計的培訓桌子搭配黑色布爾諾椅子(Brno Chair),亮光的不銹鋼架,給人一種清涼,舒適的感覺。白色寫字板用使用了黑框架,黑色與白色的鮮明對比,營造出舒適、簡約、時尚的培訓室空間,寫字板左邊和右邊都使用了經理室和會議室很有線條感的草圖做為墻紙,突顯文化藝術氛圍;右邊一塊很大的透明玻璃墻給培訓室增添了空間感。



  The training room is also use the white wall and white meeting table as main tone; Yadea uses the training table with black Brno Chair, bright stainless steel frame, feels cool and comfortable. White tablet use black frame, black color is in sharp contrast to white, create a comfortable, simple and fashionable training space, use the drawing as wall on the tablet left and right to highlight the cultural and artistic atmosphere, the huge transparent glass increased the sense of space on the right.

此文關鍵字:布爾諾椅子(Brno Chair),培訓室,設計效果圖